Hot Sauce of the Season

$ 128.00 $ 144.00

A year's supply! 4 hot sauces, free of shipping, once each season for that hot sauce lover in your life! Or for yourself, because, so much yum. Please note that flavors will vary based on what is seasonal or interesting to us.

You can also order anything else you would like and have it included with no shipping cost to your first Of The Season shipment.

How it works: Your first order ships immediately, with anything else that you ordered. Then your second shipment will line up with our seasonal shipments (roughly December 15, March 15, June 15, September 15).

If your first order is within a month of one of those dates, your second shipment will skip ahead to the next ship date, so that you have enough time to enjoy your sauces and don't end up with hot sauce overwhelm. For example, if you order on November 1, your second shipment will go out on December 15. But if you order on December 1, your second shipment will go out on March 15. Please email with any questions!